As a strategic HR business partner, Laura has experience working with executives at both large Fortune 100 companies and smaller VC backed start-ups. Her internal clients included executives across enterprise and midmarket sales, professional services, global marketing, HR, finance, and IT. Laura is known for her collaborative and consultative style, and her experience has allowed her to understand the key success factors and talent requirements within each of these business functions.
Prior to Epitome, Laura was the Vice President of Human Resources at Dell/EMC. She was consistently recognized for her contributions and identified as a high potential leader within the company. During her time at Dell/EMC, Laura also built and led a large-scale global sales and services training program that brought in talent from around the world to train and develop future leaders globally.
Laura received her B.A. and MBA from Boston College where she also was the captain of the women's Softball team. Outside of work, Laura loves to CrossFit where she has been competitive, even achieving a top 100 global ranking, and spending time on the sidelines cheering on her 3 kids as they play soccer.